Settlement Vs. Trial

Personal injury cases may or may not go to trial. The majority of injury cases are resolved by settlement, when an acceptable offer is agreed to by the plaintiff…long before a court trial is scheduled. However, there are many potential complexities to an injury or death case, and personal injury law covers a vast range of accidents, incidents and situations. There are times when a trial may be necessary.

If a plaintiff is offered an unacceptable amount, the plaintiff’s attorney will do all he or she can to obtain a more fair, accurate settlement offer. But when this does not happen, the only option to recover compensation and damages is to go to trial. Having an attorney with trail capabilities and experience becomes crucial at this point. A jury will listen to the case and ultimately decide whether the plaintiff deserves compensation.

The plaintiff’s attorney will participate in jury selection, asking questions of the potential jurors. It’s important for the attorney to identify jurors that will relate to the plaintiff and who do not have any preconceived notions or prejudices regarding the type of person the plaintiff is or what the plaintiff does for a living. Obviously, the plaintiff’s attorney will do everything they can to ensure a successful outcome. Trials can last one day, or several weeks. It is imperative that the plaintiff and his or her attorney are extremely well prepared for what takes place during the trial.

Our March newsletter will outline the actual trial process, and what a plaintiff can expect to go through during this time.
The law firm of Balkan & Patterson provides trial expertise, as recognized by the Florida Bar. Working with Board Certified experts increases the likelihood of a successful outcome for the plaintiff.

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